We believe learning should be engaging, insightful, and impactful!

Our goal is to assist our client-partners meet their workforce and training needs with long-term impacts.


The dictionary definition of “compacity” is the collective volume or weighed sum of tiny particles or entities that come together.

At Compacity Partners, we like to think of our work as bringing together many parts and pieces (and people) into a collective measure of improvement and positive impact!

Collective Expertise

  • Development and delivery of multiple high impact leadership training curricula for diverse audiences (including graduate and executive education level programs in the U.S.A. and abroad).

  • Expertise in experiential education philosophy, principles, design and implementation.

  • Facilitation in trust-building and team dynamics through hands-on activities.

  • Identification of learning outcomes and design of monitoring and evaluation arrangements.

  • Integration of intercultural skills evaluations with professional and performance awareness.

  • Certified administrators of intercultural & conflict style skills assessments and associated professional learning content.

  • Strengths Coaching (both VIA and Clifton) assessments and related skills development.

  • Significant experience in leading leaders (including training-of-trainers) domestically and abroad.

Our Client Partners

We work with client-partners in diverse settings across the globe: in for-profit, not-for-profit, and public leadership sectors. The learners we engage in our training programs range from university students to corporate and public sector leaders.